Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

Nerdgirl Interview

Nerdgirl logo

From My interview with Nerdgirl Official.

Where do you get your ideas?

I think it’s a vision problem. I have a cock-eyed view of the world. It’s like you’re slipping off a horse, and then you notice it’s got wings and no it’s a camel, it’s a mule, it’s a gryphon, it’s a pig, and then you notice it’s got wings, but the one constant is that you’re always falling.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


timothy miller bookplate
I can't exactly tour the world right now, or even hold a book signing at the local, but if you've purchased a copy and you'd like it personalized,  just sign up on the left and I'll send you a free bookplate, which I think is rather charming.. I won't sell your email or your name or your address or anything else to anyone, not that I expect anyone to ask me. I just want to thank you for purchasing the book. Thanks!

(Unfortunately, only in the U.S. and Canada at this point.)

Saturday, March 6, 2021