Monday, March 15, 2021

Monsieur Vernet/Mr. Holmes


painting of calais by horace vernet

My ancestors were country squires, who appear to have led much the same life as is natural to their class. But, none the less, my turn that way is in my veins, and may have come with my grandmother, who was the sister of Vernet, the French artist. Art in the blood is liable to take the strangest forms.”
--Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter

Monsieur Vernet, coming soon in The Strange Case of the Dutch Painter.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

27A Wimpole

 Shaw's inspiration for the home of Henry Higgins:

"Much like the fictional professor of phonetics, who famously lived on the same Marylebone street, the property's original owner, Professor Horace Wilson, was a linguistics expert." --The Daily Mail

Henry Higgins lab

upper Wimpole street

For Writers: Rubik


Rubik's Cube
Think of your story as a Rubik's Cube (though each story has a different method of solving, so you can't just memorize one), but you've got to keep twisting and turning and observing the results from every angle. There is one correct solution for each story, one which is satisfying, so don't be afraid to scrap your progress and start all over again.