Friday, April 16, 2021


I think I've come up with the plot for my next novel.

everybody kills each other cartoon
                                    Thanks to the great B. Kliban.

No More Cover-up

  I would like to unveil for you the cover of my second novel due to be released (tentatively) in January of 2022, The Strange Case of the Dutch Painter. I don't want to say too much about it right now. Suffice it to say that Sherlock Holmes investigates the murder of Vincent van Gogh.

That's right--I said murder.

dutch painter cover

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


harold pinter at desk

This time for sure!  I've come up with my million dollar idea. I'm going to start a new antisocial networking site I shall call Pinteresque, where everybody posts moody, meaningful silences. 

Review: The Last Tea Bowl Thief

The Last Tea Bowl Thief cover
 Here's a find. A twisty mystery set in Japan that moves back and forth among three time periods, all to answer one important question--whole stole a precious antique tea bowl? Who does it belong to? How and why has it changed hands over the years? 

Sound dull? It's anything but. The characters, from a love-sick blind potter, to a teen-age girl trying to survive in the wreckage of post-world war Tokyo, to a modern-day girl trying to save the life of her grandmother, are so fully realized, and the Japan of three different times is so surely captured, and the twist and turns so expertly hidden and sprung, that by the end, you'll be hooked on Jonelle Patrick. I know I am.